Baby’s World, Grasp & Feel Grabbing toy with rattle Limondo, grabbing toy
17 cm
This cute lemon grabbing toy combines wood with high-quality plush and muslin.…
Baby’s World, Grasp & Feel Grabbing toy with rattle Limondo, grabbing toy
17 cm
This cute lemon grabbing toy combines wood with high-quality plush and muslin.…
Baby’s World, Grasp & Feel Crinkle panel with fastening ring Limondo, crinkle panel
15 cm
The high-quality plush crinkle panel’s rustling effect and various textile elements animates babies to grab, play and discover.…
Small Kids World, Move & Experience Pull-along donkey made of solid wood Pepino, pull-along donkey
13 cm
The cheerful pull-along donkey Pepino motivates children to explore the world with him and follows them wherever they go.…
Small Kids World, Learn In Play Ball track made from solid wood Labirinto, ball track
16 pieces
Discover the versatile ball track together with your child.…
Small Kids World, Move & Experience Pull-along elephant made of solid wood Tita, pull-along elephant
14 cm
The funny pull-along elephant with the movable ears, the colourful trunk and the little bell takes children’s hearts by storm and encourages the little ones to discover the world together.…
Small Kids World, Move & Experience Pull-along rabbit made of solid wood Henny Hoppel, pull-along rabbit
13 cm
Always follow the carrot and the little rabbit!…
First Games, First Fun 36 wooden picture cards Memo, multi-coloured
36 piece
The cards are scattered on the table with the pictures facing downwards.…
First Games, First Fun 20 wooden picture tiles Picture snake, tile-based game
20 pieces, 5 x 10 cm
Picture by picture, the picture snake winds its way, over the table or the foor.…
bellybutton – Made by Selecta Mobile experience board Star busy board
19 cm
The enchanting busy board in the classic bellybutton design offers a variety of activities with elements for turning, pushing and snapping.…
Steiff by Selecta® Motor activity board Motor activity board
16 cm
Four play stations await infants on this mobile activity board!…