Our Selecta guide keeps on growing …

… and we are getting a little bigger every day!
So check back on a regular basis. Here you can find valuable tips regarding the greatest times spent with babies and small children, as well as lots of new ideas about wooden toys.

Why even small children need friends

A good friend is the best thing in the world, as an old German hit from the 30s had it. Then as now, that message holds true, even for small children. Of course, friendship between young children is different from that between adults. Read on to find out how children make friends and the extent [...]

These are your baby’s seven senses

Newborn babies come into the world complete with all seven senses. Some of these have yet to fully develop, while others are even more pronounced than those of an adult. Which senses does your baby have, and how can you gently encourage their development? How many senses does a human being have? The number of [...]

How to childproof your home

When their baby starts to crawl at the very latest, parents should examine their own four walls for potential hazards. Read on to learn about the dangers that lurk in each room and how you can take the necessary precautions. It is lovely when children become mobile and begin to explore their environments, but for [...]

What does the perfect present for a young child look like?

Whether it is their birthday, Easter or Christmas, finding the right present for a young child is not easy; the range on offer is as confusing as it is diverse. The most suitable presents are toys that are not only fun but also as helpful as possible for the young child’s development. This is what [...]

Settling into nursery

The time has finally arrived: Lisa has just celebrated her third birthday and now she is going to nursery. As she leaves her mother she gives her a cheery wave, turns round and hurries over to her nursery group. Her mother is relieved, and at the same time a little sad. Her daughter is getting [...]

Why don’t babies sleep through the night?

How wonderful it would be if babies slept through the night. But infants rarely rest for more than three or four hours at a stretch. It is only from the sixth month that their night-time sleep phases grow longer. Read on to find out how you can gently encourage your baby to fall, and stay, [...]

Why siblings have to squabble all the time

Every parent of siblings knows how it is: not a single day goes by without a squabble. At lunchtime, who gets the bigger portion? In the afternoon, who can play with which toy? In the evening, who can stay up the longest and why? And when peace is finally restored, it doesn’t last long. It [...]

What toy makes the ideal present for a baby?

A baby cannot, of course, tell you what they want for a present yet. But they can make it very clear what they like. With some knowledge of how babies develop and the abilities they have, anyone is guaranteed to be able to find the ideal present for them—one the parents will be delighted with [...]

Bad weather: how do I keep my small child occupied inside?

It is not just adults who get depressed by dismal weather—children struggle with it too. It can quickly get boring for them being stuck inside, especially when they would much rather be frolicking around outside. In keeping with the maxim ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable toys’, find out here how [...]

Help, my child has reached the ‘terrible twos’

Sooner or later, every child reaches a phase when they become defiant. This usually happens when they are around two to three years old. A sudden tantrum can happen anytime, anywhere. How should parents behave when they are confronted with the ‘terrible twos’, and what should they look out for? Why do small children have [...]